*Yang Huiyi
*21 May 90
*NP Accountancy *huiyi_721@hotmail.com
%theLOVES; HUIYIloves
~ Visiting lala land
~ Music-ing
~ Meaningful Chinese songs
~ Internet-ing
~ TV-ing
~ Horoscope-ing
~ Volleyball
~ Stars & moon
~ Being in e rain
~ honey milk tea, peach red tea, blue coral ice
~ all kind of eggs
~ 7, 21
Last but not least, the 'DEVIL' =DD
Oh, and she ABSOLUTELYadores, ^Rynn Lin Yu Zhong!!!
^Fahrenheit ( Arron )
^Fang Jiong Bin ( AhBin )
^Danson Tang
*grow TALLER
*a BIG BIG DOGGIE soft toy
*more n more nice clothings
*mp3 *digital camera/video cam
*contact lens
*Sims games
*meet my White Horse
*score WELL in my exams
Saturday, August 15, 2009
it hurts to see all the efforts you put in just gone down the drain because of one word thus, i have come to a conclusion from today onwards, i will not put in 100% effort in what i do so that i will not have any expections and will not fall so hard
i feel like taking the ferris wheel, alone...
will anyone guide me out of this..?
飛輪海 - 孤單摩天輪
旋轉木馬拼命奔跑 每一步換一陣熱鬧 雲霄飛車瘋狂轉彎 聽一聲顫抖的尖叫
我 只是摩天輪 靜靜等著誰來到 當 她降臨懷中 我的心開始孤單的跳
再一圈 再飛一圈就好 她無助眼神還沒有依靠 我多想 伸出雙手給她 一個緊緊擁抱但我做不到
再一圈 再陪陪她就好 讓我可以揚起她沉重的嘴角 不怕她的眼淚 讓我的心生銹 遊樂場打烊後誰會知道
排隊的人總那麼多 快樂的人卻這麼少 奇怪是我只想帶她 一起去天空中尋寶
我 如果飛得高 也許她會笑一笑 可我 拼了命向上 結果卻慢慢的往下掉
再一圈 再飛一圈就好 她無助眼神還沒有依靠 我多想 伸出雙手給她 一個緊緊擁抱但我做不到
再一圈 再陪陪她就好 讓我可以揚起她沉重的嘴角 不怕她的眼淚 讓我的心生銹 遊樂場打烊後誰會知道
再一圈 再飛一圈就好 她寂寞手心在等誰打擾 我寧願 交換所有給她一個緊緊擁抱 哪怕就一秒
再一圈 再陪陪她就好 讓我可以記得她頭髮的味道 就算我走不到 她的天涯海角 這瞬間已足夠天荒地老
;it's raining men at 10:46:00 PM
Friday, August 07, 2009
zhai nv is not zhai at all this week cux she just watched 3 movies within 5days! LOL
Hangover on 2/8 G.I.Joe on 6/8 Up on 7/8
which means she spent a lot this week not forgetting the number of times she chiong cab to sch omtian! =((
and she ate @ billy bombers and ben & jerry for the FIRST TIME not forgetting swensens too during may yum yum! =DD
here's a little update of her she FINALLY got her BLACK FRAME SPECS! one which she had LONGED for and she's LOVING IT!! ^^ (P.S: u can go to facebook and view her photos to see her new loved)
to end this post here's a song which she's recently addicted to another emo song